If your mine site is in its first 12 months of operation get a 50% discount on your EXM subscription.
Most mines are adopting digital explosives management as they mature, but implementing EXM from the start means:
Not having to pivot systems and retrain operators at a later stage
No legacy paper or Excel explosives records that are required to be endlessly stored for compliance
Ability to write explosives management plans with EXM included instead of having to amend them later
We've joined forces with leading explosives manufacturers to create an explosives catalogue so
explosives and all their information can be added to EXM with a single click.
EXM targets the areas where mistakes are most commonly made and implements tools to prevent them.
Operators simply have to enter the number of pallets or boxes when completing a stocktake and EXM will calculate the total for them.
We believe in empowering operators to correct their own mistakes, taking some of the accountability off the supervisors and engineers.
EXM has been iteratively designed alongside a number of operators, engineers and safety personnel from a range of different mine sites, to create an efficient workflow in the app.
Client feedback is that the most noticeable change after implementing EXM is that the magazines balance every shift.
Stock counts aren't just arbitrary in EXM, they're part of a larger workflow to ensure magazine accuracy. When the stock is counted, it's automatically validated in the tablet and flags any discrepancies. The operator then can either retry the count, or begin an investigation and amendment that forces discrepancies to be handled as per regulations.
Every mine site is different, so EXM is customisable to support the site-specific operational procedures. This powerful feature takes the compliance to processes off the operators' hands and builds it into the system.
EXM contains both tablet-side and web-side reporting and investigation tools, including data filtering, total usages and deviations in explosives quantity from standard cuts. This data can also be exported to Excel or through APIs to other systems to assist in stock reconciliation.
EXM provides full transparency of your magazines and significantly increases operator accountability
Every time an OUT, RETURN or TRANSFER explosives movement is created, both an operator and location must be selected. This information is reported to provide transparency on explosives movements, and increase accountability when discrepancies occur.
Paper magazine key sign in/out books are messy, unreliable and often forgotten or ignored completely, which creates a stressful auditing situation. EXM builds the mag key sign in/out into the workflow so it can't be skipped.
EXM can enforce that operators must write their signature on the tablet when signing into their shift, so that all explosives movements records are stamped with their name and signature, reducing malicious behaviour and increasing accountability.
We know supervisors are busy onsite and don't always have time every shift to log into the EXM platform to check their magazine management. To help them out, we've set up an email notification system which will notify when a stock adjustment occurs, or when stock levels on a product are low.
There are still a couple of useful benefits of paper, and one of these is the ability to add an extra bit of information to the margin of the page. To replicate this ability, all EXM explosives activities allow operators to attach freetyped comments which will appear alongside the record in the reports. Paper isn't able to capture photos of blast plans or hazards though, which EXM is able to do to enrich the quality of reports further.
EXM provides specifically-designed tools for investigations, audits and general reporting.
No one likes a complicated reconciliation process at the end of the shift. EXM makes this easier by splitting the data into 3 sections: shift summary & usages, explosives movements and stocktakes. All of the data is laid out nicely, and all records can also be filtered by fields such as date, operator, product, movement type or location.
The same reports as the web app are accessible from the tablet, with the last 2 weeks of data. For each item, the tablet reports will also show the point in time stock level, past 7 day usages, average weekly usage and a list of all OUT/RETURN transactions that product has been part of.
EXM offers 4 custom-designed Excel export formats:
Never order the incorrect amount of explosives again, and spend less time generating order forms.
EXM utilises a min/max calculation system, coupled with average daily usages and delivery lag time, to predict explosives usage. This means EXM can automatically calculate the stock needed and generate it into an Excel-exportable order form. For the extra organised sites, the record can also be marked as ordered and delivered with timestamps.
EXM sends automatic emails when a product in the magazine falls below the minimum stock level, so supervisors don't have to physically travel to the magazine or scroll through Excel sheets to check for themselves.
Consultation with multiple regulatory bodies means EXM users can have complete confidence in audits and compliance.
One of the key features which enables EXM to comply with regulations better than paper or other systems is the stocktake validation workflow. Operators can immediately be informed of a discrepancy, and be taken through a process to resolve them in line with explosives regulations. All of the data from stocktakes is recorded into reports, at a mine site's fingertips, ready to present during inspections.
EXM can automatically generate a custom-made Excel audit report, designed to take the stress out of audits, by specifically targeting mines inspectors to enable them to easily see all explosives transactions over a period of time.
Electronics in an explosives magazine has been a longstanding debate in the mining industry. For mines that want to reduce risk further, EXM has an inbuilt workflow that allows all signals from the tablets to be blocked. At the end of the shift, signals are enabled again so the data can automatically sync wirelessly.
For mine sites who want to prioritise safety further and decide to use an intrinsically safe tablet, we have partnered with Pepperl+Fuchs to provide state-of-the-art tablets focused on ruggedness and portability. In case they do break, they also come with a 3-year warranty for any physical damage.
EXM targets the removal of repetitive manual data entry and time spent reconciling stock.
One of the key focuses of EXM is to reduce the amount of manual data entry. One of the ways it achieves this is by allowing the creation of standards. These standards are based on standard development cut profiles and can be utilised to prefill the explosives order. To make it more flexible, the operator can also make edits to the order after the standard is applied, which will be flagged as deviations from the standard in the reports.
Operators can sometimes spend large amounts of time either doing calculations in their head, on paper or on a calculator. In EXM, all the operator has to do is enter the number of pallets or boxes they count, and the system will output the calculations for them. This also has the added bonus of eliminating maths errors.
On both the tablet and web reports, a number of filters can be applied to more easily traverse and understand the data. Some the these filterable categories include shift, operator, product, movement type and location.
To assist with efficiency, EXM allows operators to load up several orders to different locations at the same time, while still keeping the records separated for compliance. Operators can switch between these locations for convenience.
After a streamlined initial setup, EXM will allow your magazines to mostly run themselves.
Most of the system can be customised by the site without needing assistance from LiveMine, making upkeep of the system incredible easy. Adding a new location or operator to the system is as easy as a couple of button clicks.
For our current LiveMine Operational Data Collection users, maintenance becomes even easier as locations, operators, shifts and units are all shared across the systems so you only have to maintain them once.
LiveMine has partnered with major manufacturers to generate a large inventory of all explosives products. Search for a product and it will automatically add to your EXM inventory with all associated data, including weight, per-box-quantity and even all of the delays & det clip colours.
To successfully digitalise explosives magazines in underground mining, paper development charge plans must be replaced. We're currently working on an explosives management workflow that will allow the full process of drilling through to firing to be recorded on a single system.
Everything needed to get your magazines accurate and compliant
Advanced features to let your magazines run themselves
For companies who want to partner to redefine explosives management